Sunday, July 28, 2013

What are some tattoos that represent renewal?

butterfly tattoo unique
 on Tattoos Photos Designs � unique small tattoos
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Due to some medication I was on, I stopped processing stress and started cutting. In a matter of weeks, my arm was destroyed. Thankfully, many of the cuts are healing without leaving noticeable scars. There is one section, however, that will have scars and I'd like a tattoo there (I've been told it's possible) that will represent the renewal I've had since starting therapy.
I have a tribal phoenix tattoo on my back. The phoenix would be my first choice, but is it weird to have two tattoos of the same thing?
If so, what is another tattoo that means rebirth/renewal?

***Swallow-represents coming through hard times
***Phoenix-renewal (as to you already having one there are so many different ways the artist can draw up the tattoo that you can make it unique from the other one)
***"Love Yourself" could be a good quote
I did not self harm or anything like that though now that I think about it my wrist tattoo would be fitting.
***On my left wrist I have "Vita Brevis" in cursive script which is latin for "brief life" or "life is short" then under that there is an EKG heart rate line that flatlines. Maybe you could play around with adapting that idea?
***"Pain is subjective" could be another quote
***Butterfly tattoo could be a good symbol for transforming into a new "phase" of your life.
***Also look up the Ouroboros which is a symbol derived from the greek word oura which means "he who eats the tail" this is usually shown as a serpent or dragon eating it's own tail. This is shown to represent that we must digest and understand our past in order to learn from it and move on/to evolve from it.
***"you change your life by changing your heart"
***"change is the only constant"
***If you really love tattoos and would ever consider something like a half or full sleeve done with very bright or even dark colors it can make cuts extremely hard to notice.
***I've given a few ideas but go around to some local shops and find a cool artist that you click with and find likable and tell him your story, hobbies, why you stopped, ect and he/she should be able to brainstorm some ideas specifically based around you.
Good luck on the tattoo, glad you stopped cutting!

How would you perceive an attractive female with a not so girly tattoo?


but not manly at all! just not the average hearts, butterflies, all that unoriginal stuff (no offense they look cute and all!) haha

something alittle more. for example a tattoo like angelina's, megan fox's tats etc?

i personally love them and it makes them a little endearing and mysterious, its not something you'd expect from a pretty girl. makes her unique

def. badass! what do you guys think? just curious?

i personally think that not so feminine tattoos are hot on women, and all the guys ive dated would def. agree.

most of the guys ive dated or been interested in, ive met because they noticed my tattoos and were intrigued, which is not very common for pretty young girls to be very heavily tattooed. [i mean, two sleeves, full chest piece, feet, ribs, one calf, piece on the neck behind the ear.. pretty heavy]

i mean, you'll never be able to get EVERYONE you ask to agree that theyre hot or not, but from my experience and from people i know, heavy tattoos or not feminine tattoos on women are extremely hot.

at the same time, i do get weird looks, or ive had an old woman say to me "those are for ugly girls" or things like that. i do have people ask "why such a pretty young girl would do that to herself", so yes, there will always be haters. but get a tattoo for yourself, not for the rest of society!!

tattoos are also starting to be a lot more socially acceptable these days-- almost everyone, even a community's most-respected people, are getting tatted up now!

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