Saturday, October 5, 2013

Can you put a tattoo around a scar with scar tissue?

butterfly tattoo on breast
 on Graphics - Free Download Tattoo #18328 Butterfly Breast Cancer Tattoo ...
butterfly tattoo on breast image


I have a big scar on my lower back and alot of scar tissue. It looks like the middle of a butterfly and I want to have the outline of butterflu wings put on the side of it to make it look like a butterfly. Can you help me with sites that I can look at some butterfly tattoos?

Sure honey! Some tattoo artists are leary of working on scar tissue because of the overall quality but good ones incorporate it with a design to blend. I know a girl with scars all over her arms and they camoflauged them beautifully. A few women with breast cancer scars had it done and you do not even notice them. Good for you for turning something into a positive and including it with the art! ROCK ON SISTER!

is this a good tattoo and where should I get it? What else should I add?


Okay, I wanna get a tattoo of 'Katlyn' in those wicked cool ancient looking letters (she was my sister and she died) I need to know what else I need to add! Angel wings was an idea. But what else, and where should I put it?
By ancient letters, I mean that those old looking letters. Like, the look like new-aged cursive, does that make sense?

To someone who doesn't have tattoos this may seem like a foolish way to try and memorialize someone. To someone who does have tattoos and has never lost a loved it may seem silly.

What does it mean to you? It is your body and if that is how you choose to memorialize your sister then so be it.

I would put the tattoo somewhere that is symbolic to your sister. If she was a runner then put the tattoo on your foot. If she had a special tattoo somewhere then put yours in the same place. If none of these apply to your sister then maybe think about putting the tattoo close to your heart (I probably wouldn't choose to put it right on the breast, though) or some other place that would make it special to the both of you.

As for what else to put with her name... that, again, should be something symbolic of your sister. Pick something that she liked... if she collected elephant statues then get an elephant tattoo. If she liked butterflies.... you get the idea!

I'm sorry to hear of your loss but no matter what you decide to do in memory of your sister nothing will compare to the memories of her that you hold deep inside your heart.

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