Sunday, December 15, 2013

Why do so many people say a tattoo on a woman has to be feminine and small to be sexy?

butterfly tattoo eyes
 on tattoo, butterfly wings, wings, Butterfly Tattoos, tattoos, tattoo ...
butterfly tattoo eyes image


To mean i love sleeve and bigger tattoos on women (small are cute too) but i just love allot of good tattoos on women...Why do you think so many people think it has to be small,and like on the hip ect..??

Because they are stupid. Personally, I wouldnt even want a "sexy" tattoo anyway- what the hell constitutes for a sexy tattoo?! A butterfly? How the f u c k is a butterfly sexy. I don't know. Who cares about sexy? I love the art in tattoos, and the stories behind them (although i feel aesthetics are a good enough reason to get a tattoo) and personally I cant even imagine what a sexy tattoo looks like lol. I love sleeves too, theres something about them thats just really...well, just great. I wouldnt get sleeves because they wouldn't suit me, but i cant see why a sleeve couldnt be as "sexy" as a small tattoo. Its all in the eye of the beholder. Some people talk utter boll o c ks to be precise, and those people should be ignored. -_-

What book have you read that had the weirdest concept?

VA Girl

I read a book (of course, I can't remember the title or famous author) that was supposed to have been a suspense novel, but turned out to be mixed with the "butterfly theory" and "chaos theory." Within the first four pages, a newly-wed husband pushes his new wife over the railing onto the rocks, below, while hiking just because he had a strong urge to do so. He spent the rest of the book killing or hurting random people just to see if he could get away with it again. Meanwhile, in another place, a baby boy is born who has extraordinary eyes. Not that it mattered, b/c he ended up losing both of his eyes to some kind of viral infection. He then developed the ability to go thru different dimensions. When it was pouring rain outside, he could walk between the raindrops and stay dry. Also being able to go into alternate universes, he pushed the killer into an alt. universe to get him off the earth. It was a very weird book that I forced myself to read to broaden my horizons. How about you?

House of Leaves, by Mark Z. Danielewski.

The easiest way I can describe it, is that it's the story of a house that's 1 inch larger on the inside, than it is on the outside (impossible, in case you're wondering why that's so weird). Alternately it follows the main character, Johnny Truant, who works in a tattoo parlor. Johnny has a blind neighbor in his apartment complex that dies, and Johnny finds this man's notes and diaries, which all seem to reference a documentary about this strange impossible house. However, as far as Johnny can tell, the documentary does not, and never did, exist. So, through the use of footnotes, alternations between Johnny's story as he investigates the authenticity of his neighbor's notes and the notes about the documentary themselves, correspondence between Johnny and his mother who is in a mental hospital, the story about the House unfolds, sometimes yielding pages that contain only photographs, or a single word, or a paragraph that spirals away from the center of the page.

It's worth reading, even if in the end you chalk it up as "gimmicky", but if you're like me, it'll join the ranks of your favorite books.

For extra fun, download or purchase the album "Haunted" by Poe. The songs are closely related to the book (Poe is Mark's sister), and the song "Hey, Pretty", is actually a word for word reading of one of the book's chapters by Mark Z. himself.

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