Wednesday, June 11, 2014

What tattoo?


I have a shamrock of my foot, butterfly on my neck. I want a back tattoo but I do not know what to get. My father and I have a running joke about my tattoos stating good luck and God speed. I thought I would run w/the theme and get something meaning prosperity. What tattoo symbolizing prosperity should I get on my back?

You should get butterfly wings that cover almost your entire back. Real colorful and bright. It would go with your neck.

Tattoo question!?


I'm 17 years old and have wanted a tattoo for some time now. I've drawn a few out, and even drawn them in sharpie on myself to see if I would like them on my body. I'm still not sure if it's a good decision though, as tattoos have become really common and meaningless for a lot of people. All of my tattoos will have some meaning behind them- I won't just get a bunch of stars or a butterfly because it looks pretty. So if anyone has any opinions about getting inked, or any stories about your own tattoos it would be greatly appreciated!

I have one tattoo that I got last year when I was 20; the idea of me getting it kind of grew out of a joke, and then it hit me like a ton of bricks that I actually seriously wanted to get it. I'm a big music dork and it's of musical notes in a certain rhythm used by a favourite composer of mine to end some of his pieces. I set a date and contemplated location for a while before settling on between my boobs because I wanted it centered and on the front of my stomach? Nah. Too worried when I eventually get pregnant it'll stretch and look awful. Collar bone-ish? Nah. So I went for between the boobs figuring no one would ever have to see it unless I meant for them to...

...or so I thought. Turns out I wear lower cut shirts than I ever thought I did, not to mention that I'm short and apparently any tall person can look down into my shirt unless I wear a turtleneck. I've run into trouble in all sorts of places, from my parents just being ashamed, my boyfriend's parents thinking I'm a whore, and just having a difficult time trying to be classy when most gowns and such cut low enough that it's seen. But in all honesty, I still don't have any regrets about having gotten it done. People come and go but I'll still love Rachmaninoff and his music and know how that's inspired my path in life. If people are going to jump to conclusions about it, whatever, it doesn't change who I am.

So even though a lot of people might be quick to say you're too young, I think the fact that you've put so much thought into it matters a great deal. You definitely take it seriously and if it's something you truly feel is right for you, I say go for it. Just also take a lot of things into consideration; for example, I contemplated for a while getting a portrait of Beethoven on my bikini line before deciding it would take a very special soul to appreciate that later in life and marry me. :P But on a more serious note, I also contemplated putting my tattoo on one of my shoulders, but as a classical violinist, that probably wouldn't work too well in formal performances. (But when it comes down to it, there's definitely good makeup out there that can do a good cover up job!)

So yes. It sounds to me like your heart is in it, so do what feels right to you and don't let any opinions sway you other than your own. I feel that even if you get backlash for it, as long as you're firm in your feelings towards it, it won't matter in the long run. Good luck!

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